I have PCOS and have had two c-sections. While I was pregnant with my second child I started to get pain in my lower left abdimen, feels like ovary. I would sleep on my right side at night and would wake up in a lot of pain and would have to roll onto the other side. Since the birth of my second child I still get this pain, lasting between 1-2 weeks each month. I visited my OBGYN and after a ultra sound it was determined that I didn't have any unusual cysts. He thought it could possibly be scar tissue and when I have my period my ovary swells and causes discomfort due to the scar tissue. He put me on Loestrin and it only has 4 inactive pills in it. I still get the pain, usually when I start those inactive pills, and it lasts 1-2 weeks. This pain is a sharp pain, my skin feels tender to the touch in that area, and my stomach feels bloated and extremely tender. The doctor said that I might consider having a laproscopy procedure, but I really don't want to go through all that. Do you have any suggestions on what it might be or if there is an easier way to diagnose? Should I have some blood work done possibly? I appreciate your help. Thanks, Melissa