okay... this isn t going to be easy. first of all... i have a history of rosacea , rheumatism and crohn s disease in my family. i am a sever asthmatic. i am under the impression that all of these disorders are rheumatic disorders, immune system disorders, where the immune system attacks friendly tissues of the body. i got a badly broken nose that was broken many times through out my life. when i was 23 i started to experience sleep apnea like symptoms (that of which i never told my doctor about) i was also experiencing severe nose clogs which often led to nasal infections, badly impaired my breathing and aggravated my asthma. i got a nose surgery to open up the air ways and the sleep apnea like symptoms disappeared, the air ways were no longer small and obstructed, they were vast and spacious, for the first time in my life i could breath again! it was amazing and still is. i have been using a neti pot since than as well as a humidifier while i sleep. i have only had one instance of nasal congestion which led to a sinus infection , sore throat and respiratory infection. But here is the problem, since the operation, and i m not saying it had anything to do with the doctors work, the cause could be anything, i have been experiencing sever and i mean sever inflammation in my nose like i have never experienced before. the aforementioned singular instance of nasal congestion was preceded by the red, hot, puffy, sensitive, itchy, tickling nose. this inflammation flares up at least once a week and it extremely irritating, uncomfortable and often painful. the flare ups can last for two or even three days before my tissues return to normal conditions. it definitely causes asthma attacks, when my nose gets red, my lungs act up. the tissues in my nose are extremely dysfunctional. some parts of my nose do not have any sensation at all, it is completely numb. other parts of my nose feel itchy, burning, tickling, and often make me want to sneeze and sneezing often causes asthma attacks. i have a small pink dot on the tip of my nose, it has been there since i was 17, i think i may of gotten it at the gym, as embarrassing as it sounds, i i think i had the same kind of infection on my foot at one time. the structure that has grown on my nose is unmistakable but i have not been able to successfully identify it with a doctor although i have complained to several doctors, the structure on my nose was a series of rings like a bunch of circles all next to each-other, when i was 19 i tried to dig it out, it was unsuccessful and i dug deep in my attempts to extract it. i think i may of ended up spreading it and allowing the growth to travel deeper into my tissue. i could feel it getting bigger and bigger over the years and now it feels like its the size of a pea. my surgeon insists that its cartilage or something but even if thats true, its dead weight, its lifeless, its cold and hard and irritating. the tip of my nose is essentially lifeless and always cold. i have dead tissue in there some where and the tip of my nose in general is always filling up with hot, itchy burning fluid. the burning, what ever it is, is unmistakable and undeniable, it is 100% there. it must be spreading because the burning has spread to my eyes before and its extremely painful and irritating, my vision was even dulled at times. the sensation is unmistakable, its definitely the same burning that is present in my nose and it has traveled to other parts of my face but in general it has not consumed my whole face yet. a few times the nose has literally turned black and purple and this has happened at least a year after the surgery. one time i woke up and it was purple with lots of black dots. the nose itself seems to be shrinking when the inflammation is not present. like i said, before i couldn t breath and now i can, its wonderful but this burning is ungodly. i never ever had a burning problem like this before. i think the surgery might of upset the aforementioned athletes foot (or what ever it is in my nose) what ever it is, i fear it may eventually cost me my vision. The doctor prescribed me some antibiotics but it only made my stomach hurt for a week with diarrhea, it did nothing for the growth or the inflammation or burning. i believe i need to have a reduction, remove all dead and defective tissues and god only knows what else... please help. I don t really know exactly what the doctor did for my surgery but i thought he was going to fix the broken nasal bone, but he didn t. i thought he was going to fix the cartilage which was in the shape of an S, but its still shaped like an S and the left nostril is still clogging up. now that i think about it my situation is much worse than before, because now my breathing still sucks, my asthma and allergies are so much more irritated by the nose and the burning of the tissues, which i have NEVER had before are attacking my flesh. like i said. i thought there might of been some type of infection in my nose before but it was 100% dormant if it existed, it never inflamed. i have been looking at pictures of myself. the 1st photo is me right before the surgery and thats how i always looked. and the other photo is me a year after the surgery. this keeps happening over and over and over. my skin is literally getting cooked. it gets very hot and is clearly getting cooked by the temperature and god only knows what else is going on inside of my nose at the biological level. i showed my surgeon these pictures and others, i went to his office during a flare up. his attitude was slightly condescending and dismissive, like i said he wont help me anymore he made it much worse.