Hi, I have been having brownish discharge for about 4 days now, my period should have started about a week ago. I have taken a HPT which was negative, the brownish discharge started light and now it is much darker today then any other day. I have never missed a period since I first started when I was 12. I have not been on any birth control ever. The last time I had sex with my partner was on the 14th of Jan, we do not use condoms nor have we done anything that would insure me not getting pregnant . I can t get in to see my doctor for 3 weeks ( why I don t know ). I am hoping to start my period and would like to think that this is just a whole mix up and my body is just going through a change. Now if I don t start my period when should I take a another HPT in awaits for my doctors app? I know that there are many signs for this brownish discharge which could be I am about to start my period and it is just old blood , could be a sign a an inffection, could be a sign of inplantation bleeding . I just had a full STD screen done two months ago and everything is normal, I have only one sexual partner and I know he don t sleep around. There is no funny smell to this discharge nor do I have any burning while using the bathroom. I have been really tired lately started this week, I have been peeing a lot more then normal and drinking a lot more then what I am use to for my self, I have went through all the sgins of me starting my period but it has not come. Is there any answer to what might be going on? I am still going to see my doctor but as I stated I can t see her for 3 weeks. Please any help would do thank you. Oh I don t know if this would change anything but I am 26 years old and have never been pregnant, yes I do know that I am able to have children.