my wife is sufferuing from candidiasis, in our mouth, throat, skin( normal color scaley spots and rash on trunk and inner thighs), stomach pain, sigificant gas, very, very frequent bowel movemnts often diahria, lacj of ability to recall coversations hat have recently happened, etc. She has tested positive for candidiasis ( oral thrush). Upper GI and colonoscopy are clear. Two leading Infectious Disease Dr's in St Lois are stumped wiith what to do .It seems like this was all truggered by aspiration pneomonia in spring of 2010 when she was first diagnosed with this. Fluconosol and probiotics are the curretn meds, although largely uineffective. She was diagnosed with fiobromialga severla year sgo and I've read tha candidiasis can mimic the symprons of this. She also has a non mailignaang tumor on one parathioriod glan which teh surgeon will not remove becsause she ha dgastroci bypass surgery 15 years ago. We ar at the end of our rope as Dr's keep referring her to other specialists but no oe seems to be looking at her overal heath picture> I was considering taking her to Mao clinic for thier outpatient evaluation program> What would you recommend if she was our sisiter? Who are the top specialist in teh united States? We have homes in St louis and Houston, any top specialist in either city. Thank you in advacne for your help with this complex situation. I sould add that m wife is 55 and other than this and some high blood pressureis in generally good health.
Many thanks, BC