Hi Rafal,
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to HCM.
Compound nevi are easy to be treated by following methods:
1. Simple shave excision:using a surgical blade to shave off the mole from its base
2. Punch excision and grafting : using a punch to take off the mole from its depth and implanting same size skin from behind the ear
3. Radio-frequency Ablation: mole removal procedure involves removing the mole layer by layer by using radio-frequency machine to the depth of mole
some people do go for lasers but I consider the result equivalent radio-frequency ablation.
My personal suggestion is to go to a
dermatologist who is trained and experienced enough to do any of these procedure. As these are very small lesion so there would not be any problem in any of these and would be healing in 15 days of period. You can undergo the procedure one by one on each mole and preferably should undergo the right side of nose one first as it will be of less cosmetic value than tip of nose which directly visible. Once you feel confidence in the first one done then you can go for the tip one according to your comfort.
Do take care of sun exposure as post inflammatory hyper pigmentation is the most common sequel but if occurs then can be very well can be managed.
Hope to have smart look of your by this advice,
Dr Sanjay K Kanodia