Hi, I ve been sick since beginning of December (in order): bronchial spams, cold , and laryngitis; then the flu; then close to a partially collapsed lung; then sick with nausea and throwing up for 24-48 hours which was either a stomach virus or too much vitamin C; now my cough is back (I ve had a hacking cough this entire time except when I had the stomach trouble) and I now also have an ear infection . The only thing the may doctors have given me is a prescription cough suppressant (which didn t work), two inhalers (one if which seemed to help somewhat with my breathing), and Percocet for the pain in my chest when I supposedly was close to having partially collapsed lung. A chest x-ray in January came up with nothing. What could possibly be wrong with me? I eat healthy and was working out until I got sick and had trouble breathing. I don t get a lot of sleep which I know might have something to do with it. Help!