I am aged 42, Male, Diabetic for the past 8 years (Gycomet GP1 tablets 1-0-1 half an hour before food ). When i checked my Hb1Ac last (end Feb'13) it showed a reading of 7.3. My BMI is 20.5 Last month end i did a TMT test as part of my company's periodic health checkup and the result was Negative. The doctor said that i had done well! I worked out for more than 10.5 minutes and in the last stage of the TMT test my BP was 90/160. It is normal ? where during normal times my BP reading was 80/130. In the abdomen ultrasound it showed a subcortical cyst in the lower pole of the right kidney measuring 1.7cm x 1.8cm with a calcific speck seen on the wall of the cyst. Is this something to worry about? Do i need to consult anyone for this ? All my blood work result was normal. Also, all the other organs as per whole abdomen US scan was normal. P.S., Chennai, India