Hi, I'm Stephanie age 27 and have been having frequent UTIs for the past few years. I have tried pretty much every antibiotic out there and haven't recovered. I've taken Amoxicillin, Norfloxacine, Ciprofloxacin, vitamin c, cranberry tablets, B-Mennose and more. I'm just now going to start trying Doxycycline Hyclate. Everytime I go to the doctor they prescribe me something that doesn't work. I believe I was starting to see a little bit improvement with Amoxicillin but that was after taking the whole bottle and 2,000 mg a day! I go to the bathroom most frequently during the day and at night (up to 8 times a night). What should I do? I've had it with the drs I've been seeing and scared to death to go to a urologist.