Hi. I am 39years old and i have gastric problems that causes pain in my body - chest, back, left arm, and the pain sometimes goes down to my elbow and wrist . I ve had an ECG and blood test done just to see if the chest pain is related to my heart or gastric. The results came out clear, my pressure was normal and since i was 106kg at that time, they also had to see my cholesterol level - it was within range. Now, my chest pain comes and goes having intervals of 3 to 4 days. When the chest pain occurs it gives pain to my left arm, shoulder blade, collar bone and as mentioned above, elbow and fingers. I have also been experiencing jawline pain. Sometimes when i have these pain, cold sweat break out and my heart beats a little faster. At times i will have right chest and back pain as well. I have been given omeprazole , and have changed my diet by eating boiled food, fruits and have been going to the gym for 3 weeks now. I have lost 3k. Please advise