hi i had gone through your query and understand your concerns.
i advise you taking
Homeopathic medicines gives safe and permanent cure for your complaints without any surgery and recurrence.
The difference between
homeopathy and allopathy in the conception of disease is that whereas homeopathy considers the phenomenon of disease as a part and parcel of the sick individual as it is vitally connected with his life, while the allopath considers disease as independent and universal phenomenon, each disease having its separate and specific existence in nature.
The body is born as one, functions as one, reacts as one, and dies as one. It is a unity.When affected by sickness, it reacts as a whole. the symptoms ,which represent this reaction, areFound all over the body and also in the patient mental state.
Thus if we want to get a true and complete picture of the sickness, we must not only consider the chief complaint of the patient but also the symptoms of all parts of the body and the mind. All troubles of the patient arise from one basic disorder.
for the selection of similimum on the basis of causation,location,sensation,modality and concomitants,you should consult
your local homeopathic physician for correct diagnosis of the case and remedy to fit your complaints. or mail me at drravib4u@yahoo.co.in
I hope this is helpful for you, thank you