I usually have very heavy periods due to my fibroid tumors. On the 22nd of March I had unprotected sex, and pretty sure I was ovulating. When Monday came around I started experiencing symptoms that I looked up, the Internet said that it was early pregnancy symptoms. I had the symptoms all the way up to Sunday, later Sunday night I realized that I was bleeding but not as heavy and not as much as my periods usually are. I'm 16 years old, I wanted to take a pregnancy test but my Family member told me it was to soon to tell and that I should just wait until the 20th of April. Last night I experienced something different, I couldn't sleep or stand up due to the fact that I had excruciating pain on the left side of my lower abdomin. My cramps usually are severe, but I would use things over the counter to stop the pain. This particular night I took two over the counter meds but the pain remained until I went to sleep. I awoke this morning and the cramps came back just the same. I'm scared because I don't know if I'm pregnant, and if I am is there anything doing harm to the baby. One more thing before I go, all while the severe cramps that I received last night it just looked like a light period which is unusual to me. I have skipped months in my period before, so it's like missing months of my period is normal to me. Please help me.