Funny, Dr. Grief :) i've been told I have Hep C and need to be treated as my viral load is 2.5 million. I am having thyroid issues and going through menopause also. I have no health insurance. I am also suffering from depression. I can't tell whether my mental clarity issues are the result of depression, HEP C brain fog, menopause, lack of sleep, etc. Also, the heat issues are severely affecting my ability to work my temporary job as it is outside. I wanted to get back on my Lexapro to help me manage things better but the cost is over $100 a month. I am only able to work part time as I get easily fatigued. I need to get a handle on things so I can figure out how to afford a liver biopsy. I've looked into studies to treat the Hep C but my GI said with genotype (3a), he wants to use the interferon/rib cocktail as it has a proven track record but that I would not be able to afford is out of pocket. One of my four children was also diagnosed. Her GI wants me to go through treatment first to be of help to her. Will this affect my ability to work even more? Thanks