Hi, i am a 24 year old women who has been battling an irregular period since March.i had done an ultra sound with the request of my doctor as to why my period was so late ( we thought we were pregnant) i found out i had had a cyst on my ovaries since then My doctor has put me on two months of Birth control Pills(never been on the pill before) .I finished the First set, mean while on the pills my partner and i have had unprotected sex. I went back to the doctor once the first set were done and he had asked if my partner and i have been sexual active. With no Hesitation i responded 'yes', he requested i do a blood pregnancy test if i did not get my Period on Wednesday April 24 2013( didnt do the blood test ) . I ended up getting the period on The 25th. Since my period has finished i was having a discharge of White Mucus, Today on May 6th i went to go and wipe and found a brownish pinkish slight red discharge of blood. my partner and i have not had sex since before April 24th now is there a possible chance i could still be pregnant. Or is it something else Please help