Hi floyce.gibson.1 ,
I have read your question,
Generally a large bump(s) on the foot (instep=arch like portion) , is a feature of "Plantar Fibromatosis" not "Dupuytrens contracture".
Without Physical Check-up and unknown medical history , it is difficult to conclude anything, yet i would like to explain little about these issues ,
Dupuytren's contracture is a problem ( generally occur on hands ) where the fingers bend towards the palm and cannot be fully extended.
Plantar Fibromatosis (= Ledderhose's disease) occurs on foot usually on the arch (instep). It is a relatively uncommon,non-malignant but may cause pain and discomfort while walking.
In the early stages, when the nodule is single and/or smaller, it is recommended to avoid direct pressure to the nodule(s). Soft inner soles on footwear and padding may be helpful.
But In Late stages , surgery may have to be done , but the surgery may prove costly , since it is complicated , yet there are many successful cases until now.
I suggest you to check with another physician and if the issue is confirmed , I recommend you to undergo a radiotherapy/
Cryosurgery since these have been proved helpful in recent times.
Wishing you a good health and a speedy recovery!
Dr.G.Gayatri Devi