I'm 27 years old and have a protruding lump on my left breast right above the nipple, just inside the aureola. It was initially a lump under the skin that, after months of being there, practically overnight became a large, tight bump protruding up from the skin that is now very painful and starting to look whitish in spots (where it's not reddish) under the skin. The bump is roughly the size of the nipple on the same breast and is painful to the touch. I tried squeezing it lightly when It first came to the surface, but nothing happened. There is nothing that I could find on the other breast, and I'm concerned by the research that I've done trying to figure out what it could be. It isn't seeping, and is still beneath the skin, but not deep. It's got a circle of reddish skin around the spot to about the size of a quarter. Do you have any suggestions as to what it may be and what kind of doctor I should have look at it? Or do I need to go to a doctor?