52 year old, olive complexion . I ve had melasma (hormonal) for 10 years, I ve used sunscreen for the last 20 years, have now only use zinc oxide . Finally, I came across lactic acid 12%, and it has removed a good part of it, like 50% over all, and have been using it for about a month and a half, plus one lactic acid chemical peel at strength of 88%, thus far... I don t want to use this for long term, so I am looking for something to maintain it. Hydroquinone, backfired on me, and made it worse. I also, use an antioxidant cream, under my sunscreen, and/or moisturizer. Tried Melederm, renova, Sheisdo, many others to no avail. I was wondering, if Demelan could be used long term. It contains, 10% glycolic acid, 5% arbutin, 2% kojic acid. Or is their something else you would recommend. Thanking you in advance.