i have fitted merina hormonal coil in jan 2011 but i never feel the coil and initially had periods twice a months, then slowly turns to a very lightre periods but i am feeling very feverish a week before my every monthly periods. since I have inserted merina coil I have big tummy and swings moods. I decided to remove the coil as i feel may be it is not suitable to my body, but i was surprised when the head nurse at Gp surgery told me today she cant fint the string and that why she arrange a scan for me in the hospital. my question is these days i have periods like sympoms but its just spotting/very lighter. the nurse told me may be the coil drop in the toilet, but how is it possible if there is no coil and I am not pregnant as I cant assume I had sex only in the safe nights or days. so if i am not feeling sick or spotting every month, what are the chances of pregnancy