Hi. I normally start to get tender sore breasts two weeks before my period is due. Then once my period starts they are ok. This month as usual they started to hurt, but after my 2 day period they have continued to hurt. It is now nearly two weeks since my period started. Also the left breast has grown a noticeably amount. Sore and tender to touch, and when I remove my bra. I have no appetite but am hungry. My period was light pink day 1, average red flow 2nd day, brown discharge 3rd day. I have been feeling cramps in my left side. Sometimes like a shooting pain. I am very snappy, and mostly tired. I know all these symptoms can signify pregnancy, but I'm almost certain I am not. I have been having thoughts come to my mind recently about cervical cancer, and wondered if any of my symptoms may be related. I have low platelet count , but was not cause for great concern, and also abnormal smear test results in 1999. I have never had a smear in that time. Thank you for your help and advice in advance. I am aware I should most definitely see a doctor, but I seem to keep making excuses to myself to put it off. Please give me your honest opinion what you would advise me if I were to come to you as my GP. Many many thanks.