Hi welcome to Health care magic forum.
Thanks for calling H.C.M.Forum.
You hav a problem of sinusitis, and short ness of breath. since 10 years, diagnised as DNS, allergies, MRI showed slight
maxillary sinusitis. Gave
allegra, and citrizine but no use.
Second doctor asked to go for CTscan of chest,nothing found and treated with
allergy drugs.
The other doctor advised you to stop
nasal spray.
Most probably it is the allergy which is troubling you, while examination the sneezind or breathless ness is not there, doctors cant get the findings. i advise you to consult a general medicine physician for diagnosis and treatment.
To prevent
sneezing and dispnoea there are medicines like montelecast with livocitrizine to be continued for long time to prevent the recurance.
Triamcinolone is also used periodically, to prevent the dyspnoea.
Besides you should get treated for gastric
hyperacidity, which mimics the dyspnoea.
Avoid taking spices, junk foods, oily foods, fruits, juices, which are the major allergen containing foods.
Wishing for a quick and complete recovery.
Best regards.