I just had a mass removed from my left ovary , it was 5.3 cm, embedded in my ovary, had some blood and flood. I also have a small renal cyst . I am 36 yrs. old and my obgyn was very aloof and nonchalant about the whole thing. I had been to the hospital 3 times before anyone had figured out what was wrong with me. I went b/c I was in quite a bit of pain. I had been nauseated for several months, have been throwing up almost every time I ate, felt like my stomach was a volcano with so much gas; I belched so loud and like crazy.They kept testing me for my gallbladder and the test was negative. I had 2 prds. within two weeks of each other, end of November into December; this had never happened to me in my life. I am wondering what you think my chances of this being ovarian cancer . I had surgery on the 12th, got my period on the 20th; I am hurting again in my lower back and some in my abdomen , not sure if it is just from cramps or not. I go back to obgyn on Thursday to get results.