Hi welcome to Health care magic forum.
Thanks for asking a question to H.C.M.F.
You are 74 years , female, had
heart attack in feb, 2013. 3 stents and pacemaker put in. Your thighs and ankles hurt to touch. stiff and red, skin on legs terribly tight. had
back pain. Why.
The inability of the heart to pump the blood properly, called, heart failure(name only) the stents, pacemaker and the drugs used for thinning the blood(acetrom) combindly cause the changes in the legs, due to stagnated blood in the
I advise you to consult your doctor for advise, by adding or increasing the diuretics, and decreasing the dose of blood thinning drugs they will adjust the dose.
I advise you to avoid salt, spices, junk foods, and oily foods.
Wishing for a comfertable recovery.
Best regards.