Why won t this go away? Hello I m a 20 year old Auto wrecker who in the last 3 weeks have been diagnosed with Panic Disorder by my GP. Though I have faith in my doctor, other symptoms have persisted after having minor, or major Panic Attacks. I m yet to do a 24 our ECG and a stress echo, which are in February. The pain has constantly persisted after my attacks, my left arm and chest are always in pain (especially the side where my heart is) other problems I get is when I eat or drink, I feel pain in the left side in my chest and when I have a cold drink I feel as if the cold drink runs down the inner of my chest, or when I eat, I feel the food going down the left side. My other problems are leaning over, walking around, even going to the shops have caused extreme pains and starting since last night, I have started to get pressure in the head, it doesn t feel like a headache , more as if someone is pressing in certain areas of my head. I also sometimes will get random pains in the rest of my body but tend to fade away after an hour or 2. These pains have persisted in the last 2 weeks and could lose me my job as I have had the last 2 weeks off, I can barely pick up a heavy object like a Wheel Rim or a side of a gearbox. Could this be heart related? Or are these just Panic Episodes as I have been scouring the internet for answers but it seems that these aftermath pain don t come under the common symptoms.