Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
Sneezing , coughing, running nose, itching in eyes, tears from eyes, breathlessness ( difficulty in breathing particularly in the night and when in sleep) , all these symptoms are an indication of asthmatic allergic
bronchitis .
Wheezing , ronchi, rales , whistling sounds are sign of this disease.
Aggravated by inhalation of pollen, hay , mite, dust, spray, fumes, smokes, sudden rise & fall of temperature .
All your symptoms may be due to,
1 Asthmatic allergic bronchitis ( asthma) , usually we don't find any thing in lungs except physical examination reveals the disease .
So can be confirmed by physician after physical examination of lungs.
Pulmonary function test for oxygen and carbondioxide helps in evaluation of diagnosis.
Now treatment point of view,
otrivin nasal drops only for time being ,while beclate ( beclomethasone ) is a
In this type of disease I usually prescribe MONETLEUKAST+BAMBUTEROLE .
Consult your physician and get his opinion as in my opinion beclate is not good for you.
Good luck.