Hi, thanks for posting the "Q".
I am very sorry that an internet user have pleural effusion?
Any how your's weight is 40 kg pretty low weight.
Akurit 4 have
Rifampicin 150 mg.
INH 75 mg
ethambutol 275 mg
Pyrazinamide 400mg
According to your body weight the doses of these drugs are not fit for you.
Rifa 8-10 mg /kg
INH 6 mg /kg
Ethambutol 15-16 mg/kg
Pyrazinamide 30mg /kg
Either take these medicines in single dose ( the best way) .
If not tolerable than in two divided doses as (Rifa one dose, INH ONE, Ethambutol one , Pyrazinamide two bis in a day ( twice in a day).
This is the drug schedule.
If you have
hives or
redness or itch than have anti-allergic drugs.
Antacids are added because
gastritis would not occurs.
Here please note that in any condition don't stop the medicine of pleural effusion as this might produces M D R T later on.
Still doses not adjusted than take these drugs separately as above mentioned.
Have a good luck and speedy recovery. Dr. HET