i had and still have inconsistent fever and dizziness for 3-4 days.
The fever went high enough once that even i could feel it with my own hand. I've been getting chills even though the day is really hot, i've been sweating when i sleep.
It had been 4 days, and i noticed light rashes on my body (chest, arms, hand, legs, even on face). i worked out today (weight lifting) then i noticed rashes all over. i do not know if i had them before, but i think working out triggered it, because i got itchy afterwards which is why i looked.
i just thought of this as simple cold or flu, but now that i get rashes all over my body, i am certain it's not simply cold. Especially when, i... do get clogged nose (started from day 3 at night) which goes away after approximately 3-5 minutes.
and there is a weird... "out-of-breath" sort of thing going on as well. this happens inconsistently as well, but when it happens, it happens just for ONE breath that i take which makes me want to cough. this happens mostly when i take a deep breath, but it happens rarely.
what type of disease is this? and what should i do about it?