Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
There is calcification superolateral
humerus head and suggestive of CALCIFIED
Shoulder joint itself in not involved in this
X ray report.
There are so many muscles tendon which surrounds shoulder joint hence there are so many movements over shoulder joint.
In tendinitis there is pain inn shoulder joint especially on abduction and rotation( as you mentioned in your query that pain is during yoga and when something lifting).
Possibly tendon of supraspinatus muscle involves in your case due to superolateral position.
Avoid powerful contraction of involved muscle.
Joint should move ( don't freeze ).
Sometimes injection of
hydrocortisone + local
anesthetic in tendinitis area gives dramatic relief.
Consult an orthopaedician and get in his opinion.
Hops I have answered your question.
If further any question I will help.
Get well soon.