Your wife is having burning
sore throat, painful. She has got pain during swallowing movement. Clinically she is having a bulge in the right lobe of
thyroid. Routine investigations reveal elevated TSH and normal T3 & T4.
TSH is secreted by
Pituitary gland in the brain to have a moderator effect over thyroid which secretes T3 which is converted into active T4.
Usually when
TSH level is elevated the levels of T3 & T4 should be low.
So Your wife needs a complete evaluation of thyroid profile once again including Free T3 & Free T4
X-ray neck/Chest/ para nasal sinuse and MRI of Thyroid
Complete clinical examination of Thyroid area and neck to find out any palpable lymph node
You have to watch for any alteration of voice.
Complete ENT evaluation
Throat pain may be a related or unrelated pain.
Endocrinologist consultation is a must.
Her menstrual history has to be evaluated
Keeping all the investigation results the surgeon may come to a conclusion.
Till then don't assume and worry.
Best wishes