Thanks for the query to H.C.M.Forum.
If I were your treating doctor for this stomach problem I would come up with these possibilities as,
1 The first possibility is of
peptic ulcer disease or
Hiatus hernia . Diagnosis can be confirmed by upper G I
endoscopy .
Try raising the head of your bed 4 inches above with blocks, It also might to help to avoid eating or drinking fro 32 hours before you lie down,
As your
gallbladder is removed so avoid alcohol, fatty , greasy , spicy food as these food causes excessive bloating and sound in stomach ( as you are feeling in your stomach).
Take plenty of blend diet with water more & more.
2 Tension ( work related stress ) , if present then try to control it as this is the one of most prominent cause of such bloating sound in stomach.
In such type of cases antacid usually helps, if symptoms are severe then take
proton pump inhibitors.
Still no relief consult your treating physician and get his opinion.
Good luck. Dr. HET