Hello out there. I am a 32 year old woman that has something seriously undiagnosable. I started losing weight and having tailbone pain (along with a bunch of other weird symptoms) about two years ago. I have over this time gone from 135 lbs to 103 (I am 5'8). I have had every GI test done imaginable (at the mayo clinic- conloscopy, endoscopy, pancreas studies, stool samples a plenty, massive bloodwork, CT of abdomen, MRI of lower back, Bone scan) what has been found is the following: My body isn't absorbing fat, my body isn't absorbing zinc as well as it should be....They can't figure out why. The usual reasons for both of these seem to have come up negative. I had one MRI done that showed edema/white markings in my tailbone area but it wasn't ever mentioned again. I started taking zinc on a regular basis and my skin and vision problems have pretty much gone away. I still however can not gain weight and have the worst dull ache in my tailbone ALL the time and its now most recently radiating down my hip. At this point I've stopped trying to figure this out but I just wanted to see if anyone had seen this before. My four year old calls me a skeleton. Its super sad :(