Hello I have a 10 year old daughter who was going down a slippery dip backwards whith a friend straddled across herlap. When she came off the end of the slippery dip her spine took the impact through her curved back with the weight of her friend. She has had MRI and bone scans. Xrays of the lumber spine are esentially normal, although there is a suggestion of a pars defect in L5. A bone scan shows no evidence of a pars defect and the only abnomality on MRI scanis reduced hydration in L5/S1 disc . We have seen specialist who said take a wait and see approach and that she would be like this for 2-3 years. She has problems sitting, so she squats in class instead of sit on the floor. If she sits on a lounge she gets pain later so she sits on a hard straight backed chair with a pillow for support. She is a sporty girl who has had to stop running, jumping, and only does ballet (for core) and swimming. She rates her pain from 0-10 (10 being take me to hospital). she was at 7 two nights ago. Is there anything else we can or should be doing apart from watching her sitting, low impact sports and eating healthy. She weighs 36 kilos and is tall for her age.