I am a sexually active 28 year old female, have been sexually active for about six months. I am on a generic brand of Yazmin birth control pills, and my husband has used condoms every single time we make love and I always take my pills on time every day. Last Friday, however, I started experiencing strange bouts of nausea that came in mild waves (not enough to incapacitate me, but enough to slow me down a bit) as well as lightheadedness that makes me feel as though there is a delayed reaction between my body doing something and my brain telling my body to do it.
My last menstrual period was May 15, and since my cycle is 28 days long, I expect the next one on June 12. So unfortunately, it is too early for me to take a pregnancy test since many sites and people have told me I need to wait until my period is late to know for sure, but I'm wondering if I somehow became pregnant even with the excessive precautions I've taken. My only symptoms are the mild nausea (which is fading as we speak) and lightheadedness; I do not have sore nipples, nor are my areolas darkened, and I do not have an aversion to any smells/foods worth noting. My moods have remained stable (granted I've been a little miserable but that's because of the nausea). Do you believe I could be pregnant?