Hi! I m 25 active fit female , I ve been suffering from vaginial discharge for over 4 years now. I ve seen a dozen doctors and they say I m just an extra discharey girl and there s no BV , no yeast , no cervicitis , nothing but all the metro gels they ve just hurt my problem even more. I change my diet, supplements, soaps everthing. I wear condoms with my bf cuz at first we thought it was the bIirth control I was on. Help me. I ve never douched and I ve read that douching with hydrogen peroxide low grade diLluted in water can help ? Can greek yogurt be hurting me ? I eat A LOT of it , and also protien powder. Email me plzzzzz. The discharge comes out of me during sex by the handfuls. My bf says it burns his skin and causes him to get dry skin on his penis.