Welcome and thanks for posting your to HCM.
After reading your problem it appears to be STD phobias or we can say
anxiety related to HIV or other STD's. Now at this stage after 18th month of unprotected sex, there is no Sexually transmitted infection known to be expressed or coming positive after such a long time. I am really surprised and distressed to know that you are undergoing through a great mental trauma of getting tested every month form last 18 months. Why haven't you met an expert of STD's who would have counseled you that at the maximum 6 months is the enough of time for declaring anything clear...and 18 months...!!!. So my friend, first and foremost stop wasting your money and time in the testing, as you have gone for the best of the test i.e. PCR declaring yourself clear from all STD's
Now regarding your symptoms- if you read for any serious STD like HIV then it is fever ( not
chills), lymph node enlargements and so many of other frank symptoms and not at all like white tongue,
dry mouth and eyes, bowel gas,
dizziness or
Give your self the best positive of feedback, keep your self busy, keep good company and don't stay alone. If still after my advice you feel the same series of symptoms then first consult a good physician who can rule out simple
anemia or any other physical problem. You can kindly go to a Psychological counselor or best would be a
Psychiatrist for reducing your mental stress regarding all these problems.
hope to have provided the best possible information,
With best of hair wishes,
Dr. Sanjay K Kanodia
M.D. (Dermatology and STD)