Dear Sir, Re.: Need your advice urgently re. Melas treatment My brother in law - Ilan, age of 50 was diagnosed 4 years ago as having MELAS syndrome. Background: • At the beginning of January 2009, Ilan had had his first Melas attack. • More than 3 months after he suffered again from strong light flashes and gradually there was regression in other functions: difficulty with walking, terrible headaches and confusion. • On November 2012 Ilan suffered mainly from light flashes and partial blindness. Ilan was treated with intravenous L-arginine hydrochloride 30 gram. The effect of this treatment was good and after 10 days he started to function as before. Today: 4 days ago, Ilan had another Melas attack, including strong continues light flashes, and partial blindness, stronger than it was at the last attack. In the last 2 days, Ilan was hospitalized; he is treated 3 times with intravenous L-arginine hydrochloride each 30 grams (Ilan weights 60 Kg). Unfortunately, there is no effect of the symptoms mentioned above. We are afraid that Ilan will have another stroke that will harm his condition. In order to avoid any damage, any recommendation regarding treatment and medicine will be greatly appreciated. With lots of respect, Amos