Dear sravani, welcome to healthcare magic.
If you have irregular cycles, ultrasound picture of polycystic ovaries,
excessive hair growth in your body, and serum LH > FSH, so you have
polycystic ovary syndrome.
This syndrome doesn't prevent pregnancy but it only delays it or makes it difficult by the normal marital life.
It has short term (irregular cycles, acne, hirsutism and delayed pregnancy) and long term (
impaired glucose tolerance, obesity,
high blood pressure and liability for endometrial cancer if not treated) consequences.
My first advice is to loose weight and optimize your Body mass index as this sole advice may completely cure your problem and you can have regular cycles and normal pregnancy.
Then you should start regular visits with your doctor in order to give you induction of ovulation and put a plan for you in order to get pregnant.
You should start
ovulation induction by clomid, or human menopausal gonadotrophins ( under medical supervision) for three to six months.
If there is good ovulation after clomid but still there is no pregnancy, may be there is another cause.
You may have three to six cycles of ovulation induction plus IUI ( intra uterine insemination ) and if still there is no pregnancy, you can have IVF (
in vitro fertilization ) or ICSI (
intra cytoplasmic sperm injection ).
There is no evidence that APCOD is usefull in such cases but it will not harm.
I hope this piece of information is useful to you and I wish you the best of luck.
Dr. Ahmed Bahaa.