What can i take to aliviate symptoms of allergies: -itchy, grainy, irritated, burning eyes. - swelling and congestion of sinuses, sinus pressure, headache . -light headed almostalways. Dizzy when going from sitting to standing up. -dripping from nasal passages down my troat. Irriated nostrils. -difficulty breathing thru nose . -tight chest, congested chest, forced breathing, -my greatest complain is INTOLERANCE To cold air (A/C air is worse): a winter coat won t help. My ears. My hands, my legs feel like freezing at let s say 75 degress F. -and of course all this symptoms make me lose focus; cant read, can t stand bright light, or noises. -and all i want to do is eat eat eat and sleep. I gain weight pretty fast. Taking antihistamines has not helped much: currently using allergy eye drops, nose sprays, pills.