First of all, you seem to be really stressed because of your condition..please dont be so...
Melasma is a common problem and one of the known etiological agents is stress..so you have to stop worrying firstly... Now as i can make out, you have been using too many
steroids over your face because of which your skin has thinned down and you have developed
telangiectasis.. so most importantly,,stop using topical steroids,,they are doing more harm to your skin,, Steroids when used as a lightening agent , only cause some degree of temporary improvement. so they are not of any permanent help..
As you have dry and leathery skin, i would recommend that you should use plenty of emmolients (moisturizing creams) over your face. another thing is that you should always use a sunscreen atleast half an hour before going out in the sun..preferably use a lotion or cream formulation as you have dry skin
then certain non steroidal agents like
kojic acid and
vitamin C formulations have been found to be effective in controlling
hyperpigmentation in patients who develop side effects due to excess steroid use.
and lastly , try to improve your diet,,,take plenty of fresh fruits and salads..especially citrus fruits as these are a good source of Vitamins and
antioxidants and so are very good for skin.....
Hope it helps
Dr Geetika Paul