Having had a right metatarsal osteotomy, right bone marrow aspiration, right1st metatarsals phalanges joint cheilectomy and osteochonfral defect micro fracture, right 2nd, 3rd 4 th and 5th digitorum longuslengthening, and arthroplsty of 4th and 5th toes, I will be at week 9 past surgery in 2 days. I began to wear athletic shoes for part of the day just 4 days ago, after wearing the cam boot walking after 6 weeks of non weight bearing. My question is how much walking should I attemp to do daily? Should I content myself with what walking I do at home, or can I or should I start walking short distances outside daily, like around the block and try to build from there? Or will I actually cause more harm that way. I have a lot of discomfort after wearing my athletic shoe after being on my feet preparing a meal and other household chores having to take breaks with my feet up and shoes off several times a day. What is a somewhat normal rate of recovery do you think? I am aware this will take several months or up to a year to be where I want to be with this. I just want to make sure I won't actually be causing harm pushing too much too fast. I'm still doing physical therapy 2x weekly in addition to every day at home. Am I expecting too much too soon?