I have a quick question, I recently found out I have 4 lesions on my liver, one is suspected to be a hemangioma (22mm), one says possible a cyst (10mm) and another possible cyst (3-4mm), then my CAT scan also references a small focal area of fatty replacement. It also says my spleen is enlarged at 14cm. My UA says high WBC at 9/hpf, and protein at 30mg/dl. (rest seams normal) My lastest bloodwork shows AGAP high at 17, RBC 5.02, Mono Absolute 0.8, Mono Auto 9.3%, Eos Auto 3.9% (the rest seams normal) Just two weeks ago I was told I had high CHOLESTEROL at 208, high TRIGLYCERIDE 167 and high HDL at 49, high LDL CALCULATED 126, and CHOLESTEROL/HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN barely at normal at 4.2. Last year my iron plummeted from 125 to 44 with no apparent reason. my iron sat also plummeted from 41 to 13. With my total iron binding capacity went from 308 to 346. I was in the ER for severe sudden pain to my upper abdomen at 5am, then following by cold sweets and feeling very ill, and vomiting. Lately I have often felt like I want to throw up after eating, since my stomach almost hurts it is so full. Plus I am not sleeping as well, my skin keeps breaking out, recently diagnosed with silent Acid reflux, as I choke often. (now on meds and had my throat stretched). My face is often red and I have been hot, but not hot flashes. (I was diagnosed with Rosacea years ago) My immune system seems shot, I got a bad croup like cough... and it took 2 months, heavy drugs and steroids to get rid of it. It feels like I am now allergic or sensitive to many things, and constantly have my skin breaking out, and a rash between my breasts that I have seen 5 dermatologist for and can t get rid of it. I feel the doctors I have been seeing can t seem to figure it out. Two years ago I had a parathyroid tumor, and half my thyroid removed, and then a hysterectomy this year (but kept my ovaries)