Thanks for using health care magic.
Pain on the right side of the chest is often caused by a pleurisy,strained muscle, a bruised or broken rib, a trapped nerve, stress and a range of other causes like
referred pain, which originates from one area and is felt somewhere else.
Abdominal problems such as
gall bladder stones,cyst,calcification,mucocele,
duodenal ulcer,
amoebic liver abscess can also cause pain on the right side of the chest.
Right sided chest pain is rarely due to a cardiac condition.Chest pain due to heart will be more intense,continuous,squeezing type,retro-sternal associated with sweating or
palpitation, lasting for few minutes to half hour and gets relieved by anti-anginal medicines and it does not vary with respiration.
Here in your case it does not seems to be cardic origin.Hence get evaluated for other causes of right sided chest pain with your physician.
You may need Chest X-ray,ECG and USG Abdomen.
Hope this could help you.
Wish you good health.