Welcome to Healthcaremagic,
From your query i understand that you are suffering from Chronic
rotator cuff tears.
It is due to the repetitive stress of your weightlifting.
You have to take X-ray to rule out any bony spur.
MRI is useful in identifying the
soft tissue injury. It is useful in identifying the position and size of injury. It also detects the either it is new or old tear.
surgery is usually nor advised initially.
It can be treated initially by rest, Pain killers, strengthening exercises Activity modification and
physiotherapy. Steroid may be needed in some cases
Surgical treatment is only needed in following conditions.
1. if your pain lasts for more than 6 to 12 months
2. if you have a large tear (more than 3 cm)
3. if you have significant weakness and loss of function in your shoulder
Nearly 50% of rotator cuff tears resolve without surgical treatment.
Allergic rhinitis can be treated by antihistamines and antibiotics.
Kindly consult your orthopedician for further management.
Hope this helps.
Take care.