Hi I am male 41 years old 5'6" 187 lbs. Prior to 2008, I was active both physically and mentally, with a high level of self-confidence. An incident happened that change my mental and physical conditioning. In 2008, I woke up in the middle of the night 2am and I started to have palpitations and so I went to the ER but was sent home. I started to have palpitations, panic attacks and once in a while tachycardia. I was tested for thryroid problems and came up having very slight elevation in FT3 and FT4 but after 3-6 months of tapazole medication, I became hypo. Every 6 months im tested and up to now im normal. I checked with an endo, cardio and neuro up until 2012 and all came back normal. A psychiatrist has ordered me to take Lexapro and Abilify but hasn't take them still. My condition somehow evolved from hyperactive to becoming very fatigued, experiencing loss of balance, exercise intolerance, weight gain and brain fog. I really don't know what's my problem. I am going over my day practically dragging myself to work. I researched the internet and it comes close to CFS. Whats my problem?