A male patient age approx 48 simple, fair, good looking dairy technolgiest having PSYCHO-SOMATIC ILLNESSES. he is other way fit and active at his job as gaztt officer in dairy factory. he is highly ambitious person having aim to us and earn big money for his poor family(help brother-sister of 9 even other villagers). he never stud second till hi B.Tech.got scholarship from std 3. he married a lady of 2 year older then him but never happy with her though they have beautiful daughter studding in 11. he is irregular and pay no responsibility toward his own family specially wife who is also gaztt officer and very social and very literate.
Recently we have observe his mood of showing that he know his past.talking other family member that you was x, y z and gets instruction with his gurudev. sometime he treat himself guru ordering other. he loves his brother and sisters, even wife . sometime goes long scilence, reads lot as GRE guide and preparing for Ph. D. from US.
Kindly suggest medicine.