I think I may have developed systemic poison ivy. I have the rashes, intense itching, it had a slight delay of onset, hasn't gone away in about 1.5 wks time. I've had it before and recognized it.However this time it seems to be more pronounced, being resistant to a herbal homeopathic med I've taken in the past that worked, is seeming to continue spreading, and just tonight around 3a in the morning, I awoke out of my sleep w/the intense itching of one of the rashes but started to get the feeling of the 'fight or flight' response that started with a burning and nervous panicked feeling in mt heart. I remained calm, sat up, drank some H2O, tried to relax then lay back down. It happened again a little worse and I began to feel faint like I might pass out. This continues to happen every time I re-tried laying down over the past several hours. What is going on? Am I have a more severe allergic reaction to the poison ivy? Is the rhus toxicodendrum med I got that worked before causing this? Could all this be unrelated to the poison ivy? Any thoughts/help would be very welcome.