Hi welcome to Health care magic forum. Your condition is called hyper emisis gravidarum. It is a condition more than the morning sick ness.
It may continue through out the
pregnancy but dont worry it is only a possibility.
It usually starts due to excess of oestrogen in the blood. it usually will be
more between 6to 12 weeks of pregnancy hence it happens. When oestrogen
continues to rise the vomitings continues.
Treatment part infusion of fluids to cover
dehydration and lack of
nutrition. second thing is injection
polybion and antiemitics. So i advise you
to consult a physician for treatment.
Once the vomitings are controlled practice diversion procedures like
meditation reading hearing music etc.
Follow some diet recomendations as take menu which you like more.
and also green leafy vegetables pulses fruits and juices. Wishing for a
quick recovery and thanks for calling.