About 4 weeks ago I developed a sore throat while swallowing in the area of my esophagus, right hand side. It happened a couple of days after I bit my tongue very badly. My tongue was bitten so badly that it was I felt excruciating pain on my tongue when trying to swallow due to my tongue rubbing against my teeth. About 2 days later my throat got very sore. I assumed it was because I was trying not to swallow. Well, 4 weeks later my throat is still sore though not as bad. It seems to have hit a pain plateau in that it's mild pain but it's not getting better. It's only on the right hand side and it only hurts when swallowing saliva, not food or liquid. Also, if I put pressure on my neck at the area of pain it doesn't hurt when I swallow. I have no difficulty swallowing and don't feel any sense of a lump in my throat. Saw an ENT but his scope didn't go down into esophagus. Very scared that I have esophageal cancer. I'm hoping to get into another ENT to get a transnasal esophagoscopy, but that could take awhile due to referrals, insurance approval, etc. Are there benign causes for what I'm experiencing? (I don't have acid reflux as far as I know). Oh, and I've been taking antibiotics for 5 days but that seems to be making it worse.