Thanks for your query.
I think you are suffering from allergic rhino-sinusitis. I think for sinusitis you are suffering from heavy head. Please go for a x-ray para-nasal
sinuses to exclude
chronic sinusitis and polypoid sinus diseases. If anyhting found on x-ray, a CT scan of para-nasal sinuses may be done to properly evaluate it. If any polypoidal changes occur in the sinuses then FESS ( functional endoscopic
sinus surgery ) can be done to remove it permanently.
Otherwise you should continue to take telecast L, Synasma but not Topceff 200 for prolonged period.
In addition to that you may consult an allergist and may go for skin prick test and specific IgE tests to detect specific allergen and
immunotherapy to that allergen so that you can be protected from that allergen.
I also advise you to go for a
spirometry with bronchodialator reversibility to confirm the diagnosis of asthma and management of it properly.
I think all these will give you remission of these symptoms.
You can try our premium services to get further answers on this issues if you have further queries.
Thank you.