I am a
neurologist and i thank you very much for posting your question in this web site
First of all, let me inform you that based upon the symptoms which you have provided to us, theere is no serious brain and
spine injury. In the absence of symptoms such as loss of conciousness,
vomiting, convulsions, bleeding from nose, ear, a seriuos
brain injury is unlikely though can't definitely be excluded without a detailed neurological assessment.
You may follow the following two path
1. Go and get examined by a neurologist and do a CT scan to rule out any brain injury or spine injury. If there are no major problem, you can take simple analgesics like
paracetamol for few days and you will get better.
2. As the symptoms are unlikely to be of seriou concern, you may diorectly start analgesics and wait. If you donot get better or develops new symptoms as i have listed above, you may go for sxcans and neurological opinion
Hope this clarifies