it is
sinus infection
as there must have been off and on chronic infections over which there added acute sinusitis
the infection cause fever and blockage of ostim f sinus cause headache
post nasal drip of infected mucus in pharynx cause enlargement of tonsils
and the preesure of tonsil cause difficult swallowing
the lymph nodes are reactive hyperplasia
need to get treatment in consultation with ent doctor after geting xray pns waters view
mean while take etronidazole 200 mg b for 5 days
anti allergic tab to reduce sinus secretions and headache and post nasal drip
antacid in liquid orm to facilitate swallowing
antiseptic mouth wash gargles for tonsils
analgesic for fever
neomycin h ointment in nose bd and sea water drops to clear pnd mucus
but need full treatment to prevent recurences
nodes will go slowly when infection is controlled