Hello ,
well let me start describing Symptoms ( following info cited from Mayo Clinic Staff website )
By Mayo Clinic staff
Ruptured aneurysm
A sudden,
severe headache is the key symptom of a ruptured aneurysm. This headache is often described as the "worst headache" ever experienced. Common signs and symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm include:
Sudden, extremely severe headache
Nausea and vomiting
Stiff neck
Blurred or double vision
Sensitivity to light
A drooping eyelid
Loss of consciousness
'Leaking' aneurysm
In some cases, an aneurysm may leak a slight amount of blood. This leaking (sentinel bleed) may cause only a:
Sudden, extremely severe headache
A more severe rupture almost always follows leaking.
Unruptured aneurysm
An unruptured
brain aneurysm may produce no symptoms, particularly if it's small. However, a large unruptured aneurysm may press on brain tissues and nerves, possibly causing:
Pain above and behind an eye
A dilated pupil
Change in vision or double vision
Numbness, weakness or
paralysis of one side of the face
A drooping eyelid
When to see a doctor
A ruptured aneurysm is a medical emergency. In about 30 percent of cases, ruptured brain aneurysms are fatal.
Seek immediate medical attention if you develop a:
Sudden, extremely severe headache
so based on your symptoms please contact your doctor as soon as possible .
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stay in good health .